Friday, June 16, 2006

Pat at Top of the World Park

Pat likes to follow me up to the field – Top of the World Park.  It is a busy place in the evening at sunset.  There are kids kicking soccer balls and moms & dads strolling with their babies, runners, joggers, and dogs playing catch.

Pat is scared of all of these things but still wants to join me.

So last night, I actually spent more time watching Pat watch the dog, the sprinklers, and the kids on a motor scooter.  Pat was definitely on ‘alert status’!!

The sunset was not spectacularly colorful but the sky was FILLED with beautiful dark and intricate clouds.  I like to say, “it was beautiful but hard to photograph” But every time I say that I hear my older son answering, “you have a professional quality camera, you can take a good photo in ANY situation!”   I scoffed but deep inside I know that is true – NOT EASY but all you need to do is open up to your ‘vision’ and man the dials and buttons on your camera and do it quickly!  (**A little luck helps, too**) As I was getting a few last shots, the light faded very abruptly and instead of a sharp clear image, the last visible clouds of the day had a beautiful soft focus – not my camera – but that is the way it looked.


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