Saturday, January 26, 2008

PEACE be with you...

photograph by Kathleen Fenton, 2008(idea sharers drive off)

Ah...spending a nice Saturday morning relaxing in my sun-filled living room, warm in my robe and pj's, catching up on blogs and looking at photos. It doesn't get much better than this.

I see an SUV pull up my street and park in front of my house. Out climb 4 men and a young boy dressed in suits, ties and wool overcoats...carrying books. Yes, the uninvited idea sharers have arrived. They separate into two groups and fan out across the street. In previous times, I might have bothered to go get dressed quickly so as to be "presentable" when they come to the door. I no longer care about such things. After all, it is my house and my Saturday morning that they are invading at 9:45 a.m.

A very seemingly-nice man rings the door bell and asks me if I am familiar with the Lord's Prayer. Honest answer: yes. Then he proceeds to my dismay to open the bible and start reading it. I stop him and say that I have other things I want to do so I am not interested in having him read the Lord's Prayer to me. He wishes me a nice day as I do to them and off the they go - on to the next door neighbor's house. After they leave, I go and find my PEACE flag and fly it out front to express my wishes for the world. I hope they notice when they come back to their car.

I swear - next time someone comes to the door to share their beliefs with me, I am going to bring out my copy of PRONOIA is the antidote for Paranoia by Rob Brezsny: How the Whole World is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings. I am going to start reading a passage of my beliefs to them. It is kind of a crazy book - admittedly not to everyone's liking but I can open it any time and find some little message that brings a smile to my face.

I am more than happy to share my beliefs with you - all you need to do is ask! I promise not to come to your door uninvited!

photograph by Kathleen Fenton, 2008

p.s. I am not trying to discourage this form of expression. After all, I can choose not to answer my door or I can turn them away or I can invite them in - just be prepared to listen to MY viewpoints.

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At 3:28 PM, Blogger The Donut Guy said...

You're better person then I am.

When those folks interrupt me...they get a face full of slammed door.

In our township, you need a permit to do *any* kind of soliciting and I always call the police to have them checked out.

9 times out of 10...they don't have a permit and they end up getting a fine.

At 3:36 PM, Blogger enigma4ever said...

oh that was great....
I have not always been nice to the SAVERS....they do try my time when my son was about 4 or 5 they came to the door an early sat son and I were cleaning the Kitchen floor- in jammies and we were using Shaving creme- I was letting him build castles with was indeed a good VERY messy time....the Poor Witness came to the Door and my son ran and answered it covered with shaving creme and still in his Spaceship Jammies...and the nice lady said" Can I please speak to the Lady of the House?"....Now I was still slipping and sliding trying to get there....
My son with bright smile said" Nope- No Ladies Here- Sorry" and slammed the Door right on her astonished face....

I was laughing really hard- but I did go to the door and try to apologize- but she was RUNNING down the walk....

"Sorry, Mommy- but I told the truth- you are no lady"..... was very funny...I hugged him and we went back to OUR project...

anyways...I love that you hang your Peace Flag...that says it all...

At 6:09 PM, Blogger enigma4ever said...

quick note..
Would you mind if I added you to Watergate Summer Blogroll ?

At 10:19 PM, Blogger Ptelea said...

enigma4ever - cleaning the floor with shaving cream sounds like loads of fun! You are welcome to add me to your blogroll - I would be happy to add you to mine - if it is OK with you.

Donut Guy - there is a part of me that would love to do what you do! I just don't understand why people don't have better things to do with their time.

At 4:30 PM, Blogger Ellie said...

That is why the made doors with glasss panels in them. Try going out to the parking lot of where you work (organc grocer) and tell them they can't offer to put peoples groceries in their car if they listen to them for a while. One shopper asked "Are they your employees?" Yikes, No lady.

At 4:56 AM, Blogger Paul said...

Very classy way to handle it, Kathy. I just usually give them a very kind, but firm, "No, thank you!" and send them on their merry way. If they persist, like some annoying telemarketer, they get a second "No, thank you." followed by a polite closing of the door.

I have a neighbor who is a Jehovah's Witness and he has attempted to share his beliefs with me a couple of times while we are talking in front of our houses. After a couple of firm, but kind rebuffs, he's given it up. :-)


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