Friday, December 30, 2005

lovely tree

I wanted to write yesterday but really didn’t have anything to say. The sunrise at top of the world wasn’t very spectacular so I ended up obsessed with my current favorite tree. I took several photos before the sun came up and then went home, downloaded and decided that I needed to get more when my tree was bathed in the new sunlight. There was a decidedly different set of people out after the sunrise than before. Before sunrise you have the lone driven runner guys and lurking dog walkers whereas after sunrise there is the laughing, perky ladies club. What does that make me? – I am the strange woman who photographs the same things day after day (the observer not the observed). Some mornings, the dogs scare me half to death – all of the sudden they appear silently out of the darkness.


At 9:02 AM, Blogger mikevotes said...

I hadn't noticed you'd linked to me until this morning. If you care, I dropped a link back.


At 9:48 AM, Blogger Ptelea said...


No problem - I am pleased to have found your blog.

At 1:36 PM, Blogger Ptelea said...

J.L. (putting on my biologist cap) Some species of tree are more prone to being multi-stemmed or having 'co-dominant leaders'! This is some variety of cottonwood (a tricky genus that hybridizes a lot) but I suspect that this one is multi-stemmed because it was not pruned when it was young. The other nearby trees with one main trunk are all the same species. When you plant a tree in your yard, usually the nursery has already pruned off competing trunks and then you trim the suckers to keep them from competing with the main trunk, unless of course, you want to have more than one main stem. In our climate, these multistem trees may be at risk from the sometimes-unseasonable heavy snowstorms we receive. Oh yes, the multiple stems tend to fuse as the tree gets older, they certainly were separate when the tree was young.

Yes, I really love this tree, although my eyes are beginning to wander to some of the others…..

Hope this isn’t too much info!

At 9:56 PM, Blogger Ptelea said...

birch tree, beech tree - they are all good. I miss not seeing the great hardwood forests that you have back east. I do remember living for a time in Nashville and having beautiful walnut and hickory trees in our yard.


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