Thursday, December 08, 2005

Lured Out Again

It’s late; it’s cold (ZERO)
Most people are sleeping, at least in my suburban neighborhood.
Not me.
Sometimes the stress of being Head of Household overwhelms.
Too much to do, not enough time.
I know….I know…..most people feel this way at least once in a while.
So, I write to relax.
To get the stressful thoughts out of my head.
So that I can rest.
This morning I was going to stay inside in the luxurious warmth.
But at 6:45, the lure of the sunrise sparked my passion.
I threw on my warm clothes and headed up the steps to the field.
Snow-shovelers and plows were out in force.
Expecting to be cold, I wasn’t
I felt warmed by the beauty and crispness of the calm and frozen landscape.
The memory of the wind was visible everywhere.
I snapped some photos and made crunchy footprints in the snow.
Back to now, so sleepy, so ready to rest.
Dreaming of what tomorrow might bring.
Hoping to get back up Green Mountain soon.


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