Monday, August 13, 2007

back to work - grrrrrr

taken yesterday morning on my walk around downtown Denver just after sunrise

This morning at the lake, most of the geese were sitting quietly on the water, not making their usual ruckus. It was so peaceful that I decided to join them....sort of!

There is a place at the end of the lake where the water comes in that is lined with boulders. You can walk down them to the edge of the water and sit almost at "goose level" I am always careful when I walk on these big rocks - I have slipped and almost fallen many a time on the ice that accumulates in the cracks and pockets when it is cold. You've heard of black ice on the roads. Rocks can have the same thing - it is a very good idea to avoid it here!!

So I spent a peaceful morning shoot - watching the colors change - not trying to decide where to be - just being here!

Back at home I notice a very common feeling - why do I always feel alert and ready to face all of my weekend chores - NOW THAT IT IS MONDAY & TIME TO GO BACK TO WORK??? Does anyone else feel that way?

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At 6:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots, Kathy. I feel like doing weekend chores on Monday too. I think it's because I'd rather do anything than go to work, even chores! :-)


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